Thursday, November 19, 2009

Go BUY our Book!

So after a long wait for us (and hopefully you all) our book is out. It is present in book stores all over India. In Bombay itself it's available in leading book stores such as Oxford, Magna etc. It will also be available at Landmark very soon. You can also purchase it online at The link is provided on the right side of our blog. It will be available online at amazon and other sites as well in the near future. So get the book, give it a read and please feel free to leave your comments on our Blog. Thank you!

Monday, September 28, 2009


We had sent our synopsis to Mumbai Mirror and they seemed to like our book and hence they posted up a sneek peak of our book in the Mumbai Mirror. A big 'Thanks' to all the guys at Mumbai Mirror.
The link is for thei Mumbai Mirror Article is -

Sunday, September 20, 2009


FIELD is published by Leadstart Publishing's fiction wing that goes by the name Frog Books.

Leadstart Publishing is a book publishing company that houses writers from across the globe and products in all leading books categories. Beyond conventional publishing, they also have a literary agency, helping writers garner value for their creative work. Leadstart Publishing also is a preferred content vendor to several production houses which use the content created by book authors of Leadstart for filming.

Leadstart Publishing is one of the most active book publishers in India right now. Every month they approve and publish about 30 books. They have the shortest approval time for manuscripts and a strong editorial team. In addition, they have about 1500 outlets in India, to distribute published books. They have a strong presence in the global publishing industry as well.

FROG BOOKS, is the fastest-growing independent publishing house in India today, is the fiction books publishing division of Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd, Mumbai.

Sunil K Poolani has had a wide and varied career graph, starting with journalism (as a Senior Editor in the Express Group, The Sunday Observer, The Free Press Journal and Blitz); is a regular contributor to mainstream publications like Hindustan Times, DNA, The Asian Age, Deccan Herald, Deccan Chronicle, Sahara Time and Oman Tribune. Founded Frog Books, which later was incorporated into Leadstart Publishing and is now its Executive Director and Publisher.

Kudos to Leadstart, Frog Books and Sunil Poolani for the great work achieved so far.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


FIELD; a large multinational organization has been in pursuit of power for years. Conducting various classified experiments, FIELD and one man’s dream, has finally reached the last rung of their covert operation. Two employees John Roman and his assistant Rob Davis uncover the deadliest of conspiracies and one terrifying truth. The adventure begins when John Roman dies for the first time.


John Roman -

A man of science, John Roman worked his way up the ladder until he reached a position of head Researcher at the Adler foundation for Cancer Research. Specializing in the field of molecular biology and whose research into genetics of haemopoietic differentiation and malignancy has made cloning of mammalian genes possible. John and Mona shared a happily married life. Skilled with his mind, he is not a man of brawn but armed with strong logic.
Lived his entire life in New York and he thought he knew all about it till he joined FIELD.

Rob Davis -

An ex Army officer, Rob found work in a general store. This was definitely not him using his full potential.
Strong, well built and a sarcastic wit which is not always welcome, gives him a personality which might not be appreciated by all. He has a 10 year old son, Michael. A co-incidence leads up to the pairing up of John Roman and Rob Davis as Researcher and Assistant respectively. Compared to the army and the general store, FIELD is a whole different ball game.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Earth shaping is a vertical of earth science that has kept scientists glued to their drawing boards for years. Earth shaping also known as TERRAFORMING is the hypothetical process of deliberately modifying its atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology of another planet or moon to make it similar to Earth and to make it habitable for humans. The concept of terraforming developed from both science fiction and actual science. Based on experiences with Earth, the environment of a planet can be altered deliberately: however the feasibility of creating an unconstrained planetary biosphere that mimics Earth on another planet has yet to be verified.

There is a philosophical debate within biology and ecology as to whether terraforming other worlds is an ethical endeavor. But that is not we’re talking about here. This was only to explain to you another concept; the “world-house” concept also known as PARATERRAFORMING.

Building structures or domes in smaller versions, paraterraforming involves the construction of a habitable enclosure on a planet which eventually grows to encompass most of the planet's usable area. The enclosure would consist of a transparent roof held two or more kilometers above the surface, pressurized with a breathable atmosphere, and anchored with tension towers and cables at regular intervals.

But here is what the debate is about: Should we paraterraform, only because we think we can?

Paraterraforming involves balancing the need for the preservation of human life against the existing planetary ecologies. What would you destroy more; man or environment? Humanity’s moral obligation is to maintain things the way they are and preserve the earth’s natural offerings. That is a debate going on for years.

Here is what we think… once we are successful in TERRAFORMING and we successfully convert Mars or Venus into Earth, PARATERRAFORMING will begin on the Earth’s surface. That’s what scientists are waiting for. Immediately, it will be necessary to make use of sunlight to grow crops and inflatable domes are the obvious choice. If humans go to live on Mars, Earth will merely be a warehouse and we will be the Martians that we’ve feared for so long.

We’re just saying….

Anyway… interesting concepts nevertheless… don’t you think?


When most of us see an apple fallen from a tree our instinct tells us to pick it up and take a bite. Isaac Newton on the other hand was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of the apple. Since then theories of gravity has been studied to a great extent.

Modern work on gravitational theory began with the work of Galileo Galilei in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. In his famous experiment dropping balls from the Tower of Pisa, and later with measurements of balls rolling down slopes, he showed that gravitation accelerates all objects at the same rate.

Years later the study of gravity has moved on to newer heights. Have you every thought of manipulating gravitational forces to bend its line of control? Where does that thought come from? Why would anyone think of manipulating gravity? When Earth's gravitational field was mapped starting in the 1960s a large region of below-average gravity was detected in the Hudson Bay region. This basically meant that gravitational forces did not always work in one direction. It was understood that perhaps the gravitational constant can be modified to change the direction of the force. Then the study of the gravitational constant (G) was introduced, that for years now, earth scientists have been trying to bend.

What physical mechanism would allow repulsion against gravitational fields? Could gravity be manipulated not only in the negative but create positive gravity in a different direction?

Enter: The Planck’s constant

Planck’s constant was the starting point for the calculation of some natural units for length, time and mass. Planck showed, simply based on a comparison of units, that by means of G, the speed of light (c) and his constant (h), it is possible to calculate an elementary mass of an object and the length and time that it will travel without any obstruction, only with the forces of gravity.

In 1926, Werner Heisenberg developed the Uncertainty Principle (UP), which was the starting point of a new interpretation of absolute vacuum. Absolute vacuum further helped the study of gravity manipulation. Objects could be torn apart only by changing the force in which gravity worked. Years later, Paul Dirac described the quantification of electromagnetic fields, creation and annihilation of pairs of beams, and virtual particles like plasma, suggesting for the first time that in an active “quantum vacuum” environment gravity can be played around with.

We just found out the formula that Planck used to prove his hypothesis:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


End of the World? Any one who says that to you is surely a lunatic, Right? Well maybe. You have to ask yourself questions such as what was before man. Who knows? Maybe this is the tenth time around that man has existed. Maybe even more. The Y2K bug was the millennium's biggest joke. But this time around can things be a little more serious? 21st December 2012. That is the date that people are curious about. Seer's or Doomsday oracle's such as Nostradamus have also mentioned that this would be the day the world would end.
The Mayan civilization predicted the exact same thing and even their calendar stops on this day.
Maybe a religious act of God's wrath or a simple scientific explanation where, all the planets are aligned with the sun and this phenomena would shift the Earth from it's revolutionary axis and ice age 2 would commence.
This could be the term – Armageddon or the apocalypse or in Norse mythology – Ragnarok. Different names but each pointing to the same thing. Or maybe it is just a paranoid conspiracy but, religious fanatics do mention, how long would a world filled with sin survive?


What is Nanotechnology? To break down the term – nano which means at a small scale and technology I am guessing needs no explanation. When we speak about nano being at a small scale, we mean tiny and miniscule. Things which are not visible to the naked eye. Scientists have managed to create microscopic robots which have properties beneficial to humans. Imagine the possibilities. Robots living in the host body of humans fighting off foreign bodies, strengthening our immunities, healing, and fighting diseases and viruses. Nanotechnology has reached quite ahead in the sphere of science but it should be a while when they are advanced enough to help us regenerate blood and tissue almost instantaneously at the cellular level or maybe, it has already been done but governments shy away from letting the general public know of such achievements. Who knows?


Man has forever tried to play God. Though all have been major failures up until today, some have reached almost the last stage of their pursuit and perished, never to return again. Scientists have since time immemorial tried to prove that science is and always has been above faith in God. And yet they have tried to emulate The Almighty but trying to create or re-create man-made wonders that only God has been known to be the creator of.

One example of such a wonder is in fact the Biosphere 2, but that we’ve already talked about. Sighting another example of man’s endless pursuit we would like to share something else that some of us might have known for quite a while now…consider this a reminder.

For years artificial intelligence has been on every scientist’s list of things to do. John McCarthy was the first ever to have coined the term. He defined AI as the study and design of intelligent agents”. Steven Spielberg on the other hand was the first to show ideas of AI to the rest of the world. Machines were built to that were touted out to possess intelligence that only humans would’ve had in an otherwise non-scientific world; i.e. the world that God built.

In the 1940s and 1950s, a number of researchers explored the connection between neurology, information theory, and cybernetics. Some of them built machines that used electronic networks to exhibit basic intelligence. Prosthetic arms and legs were built with cybernetic intelligence that was linked to the human nervous system. This made sure that the prosthetic body part could do everything that the original organ was capable of and in some cases even more. Variations were built; hands and legs that could stick to walls, organs that could move at an accelerated pace and other parts that possessed more strength than what God’s body part could ever achieve.

No matter how far man reaches in the world of artificial intelligence, it always seems as though he is at the starting point. However strongly man may feel like playing God, no matter how hard he tries, it will definitely take him much more than 7 days.

Monday, August 31, 2009


The Biosphere is all our ecosystems in totality and synchrony. It is an integration of all living things with the elements, atmosphere, lithosphere etc. The biosphere is said to have started evolving since the past 3.5 billion years.

Have you ever thought about what it must have taken for the earth to be created; the vast patches of land, oceanic water bodies, plants, the atmosphere, oxygen, carbon dioxide and everything else that makes the earth complete in every way? How did everything fit perfectly in place? How did the ecosystem take form? How was the food-chain created? How did man evolve?

Is Biosphere 2 the answer to all these questions? The Biosphere 2 is a 3.15-acre structure originally built to be a man-made, materially-closed ecological system in Oracle, Arizona (USA) by Space Biosphere Ventures, a joint venture whose principal officers were John P. Allen, inventor and Executive Director, and Margret Augustine, CEO. Constructed between 1987 and 1991, it was used to explore the complex web of interactions within life systems in a structure that included five areas based on natural biomes and an agricultural area and human living/working space to study the interactions between humans, farming and technology with the rest

Well it seems like someone did think about the answers to all those questions doesn’t it? Allow us to explain this a little more.

The first closed mission lasted from September 26, 1991 to September 26, 1993. During this first mission, the oxygen inside the facility, which began at 20.9%, fell at a steady pace and after 16 months was down to 14.5%. Daily fluctuation of carbon dioxide dynamics was typically 600 ppm (parts per million) because of the strong drawdown during sunlight hours by plant photosynthesis, followed by a similar rise during the nighttime when system respiration dominated. This basically meant that people could not survive under such extreme atmospheric conditions.

The second mission was a little more successful than the first. During the transition period between missions, extensive research and system improvements had been undertaken. However, mission two was ended prematurely on September 6, 1994. The entire thing was sold later in 2005.

The University of Arizona was then the new management taking care of the entire facility. They used the site as a laboratory to study climate change, among many other things. Today Biosphere 2 stands tall and wide as the pride of Arizona.

Beats imagination doesn’t it?

More about this in due course of time.

Information Source:


Here it is folks - The cover of our first book - FIELD. We took more than a month but after a lot of thought and a million iterations we finally came up with this concept (Thank you all those who know who you are). The concept itself speaks about various aspects of the book which will surely become clear to the reader once they have read it.....after they have bought it from a legitimate retail store...haha. Books should be available by late September 2009.


Well, first thing's first. Why on earth did we write a book when there was a time when we could'nt get ourselves to come near a book. Well, the answer is simple. We wanted to share our idea of a story with the world. There are so many movies, comics, novels etc. with a million concepts and even more idea's. What is different about ours? Well apart from the fact that we wanted to make sure that each chapter leaves the reader thinking about what happens next, we wanted to create a novel which leaves the reader thinking, what is going to happen in the sequel. It is a complete book in all aspects but there are so many unanswered questions that it gives the reader tonnes of idea's to play around with in their heads. Also, we have tried our best to make sure that we touch upon a plethora of scientific topics, action, thrill and of course a bit of romance. At the end of it all, we would like to say, "Give our first book a read, and, even if you don't like it, remember, a little white lie never hurt anyone! Cheers!"