Wednesday, September 9, 2009


John Roman -

A man of science, John Roman worked his way up the ladder until he reached a position of head Researcher at the Adler foundation for Cancer Research. Specializing in the field of molecular biology and whose research into genetics of haemopoietic differentiation and malignancy has made cloning of mammalian genes possible. John and Mona shared a happily married life. Skilled with his mind, he is not a man of brawn but armed with strong logic.
Lived his entire life in New York and he thought he knew all about it till he joined FIELD.

Rob Davis -

An ex Army officer, Rob found work in a general store. This was definitely not him using his full potential.
Strong, well built and a sarcastic wit which is not always welcome, gives him a personality which might not be appreciated by all. He has a 10 year old son, Michael. A co-incidence leads up to the pairing up of John Roman and Rob Davis as Researcher and Assistant respectively. Compared to the army and the general store, FIELD is a whole different ball game.

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